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MPA ノンワイプ 3D ジェル 10g by misspinknail
- EYA2023年12月05日5つ星のうち5と評価されています。確認済みEasy to use and fun to work with
There is a little bit of a learning curve if you’ve never used 3D gel like me. My issue at first was that I was expecting it to self-level like build gels do, but it turned out to be a positive that it doesn’t self-level because it stays put in whatever shape you make it. Love that! I was also able to cure, file, and add more in times I wanted a smoother finish 😍 I found that the 3D gel colors mix well together and even with the MPA palette colors too (when I wanted a more opaque or 3D color).
お役に立ちましたか? - Amelia Nailz7月26日5つ星のうち5と評価されています。My favorite 3D gels for the nail trends!
I LOVED using these for doing 3D nails! What makes it easier is that they’re non wipe. So after I cured my 3D bubbles and lines, they were done
I really love how smooth and pigmented these gels are! So glad I got them 😊
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nice and smooth